#AuxSons est un webmedia collaboratif, militant et solidaire

Les souvenirs de demain

Mister Klof
Production LA GRANGE À SONS / Distribution INOUÏE DISTRIBUTION - Release 27/09/2019

Mister Klof continues with a fourth album, “The memories of tomorrow”, a mix of class, vitality and musical ingeniousness that can be heard just as well as it can be danced.

Mister Klof (“Folk” backwards) is composed of four musicians who skillfully handle guitar, flute, bagpipe and accordion.

They are inspired from their respective cultures: jazz, traditional Bretagne and Auvergne music, the « musette », all encompassed by Irish music. To succeed, the band members bring a particular care to the arrangements, as much for the traditional musics that they interpret as for their own compositions. More than half of the titles are composed by the band.

« Bourrées » in quick time, romantic mazurkas, Circassian circles with Irish influences, turning waltzes …

Mister Klof offers to the dancers from France and Europe the most folk excited bals.

A mix of folk music, swing, rock’n’roll and rhythm & blues.

The quartet of folk (Klof backwards), iconoclastic and in the tradition, with many jazz rhythms, a music that we love. A pretty, rich and bright album for the return from the summer holidays. “Bruno Pfeiffer - Libération.fr



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