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Helen Bolek - G

In Turkey, singer Helin Bölek dies after 288 days of hunger strike

To challenge the harassment exerted by the Turkish State towards the musicians of the musical collective Grup Yorum, singer Helin Bölek dies in prison after 288 days of hunger strike.

A collective of traditional musicians, striving for the rights of oppressed people, Grup Yorum is an institution of the Turkish counterculture. Their members have naturally been renewed during the years.



Helin Bölek, born in 1992, was one of the main voices of Grup Yorum. Considered as terrorists by the Erdogan administration (according to the media france tv info), the members of the band are chassed, their concerts are violently interrupted and their instruments are destroyed by the police. To demand that seven musicians of Grup Yorum be released, that the arrest warrants against other band members be dropped, and that the prohibition of their concerts be lifted, Helin Bölek had started a hunger strike at the end of May 2019. Despised by the current leadership the singer has died on the 3rd of April, after 288 days of her pacifist action.



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